Professional Interests

My General Interest are  Intelligent Systems and their role in the future technologies . My background is in Image processing, pattern recognition mainly statistical Gaussian pattern Recognition in multidimensional Feature space. Neural networks thanks to my friend prof. Leslie Smith from University Stirling, Scotland where I have spent 3 month living with neural networks :)) . I have been inspired with prof. Laszlo Koczy, prof. Imre Rudas (, prof. Kaoru Hirota (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)  towards Fuzzy Systems, by prof. H. Takagi Towards Evolutionary Systems 


Since Life is changing we ahve to adapt to new time and existence of social media. We have a Facebook group devoted to Machine Intelligence.

Since a time is going very fast - technology starts to influence science and my undertanding of

TODAY and Tommorow is in understanding 

of integration of  Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Virtual and Mixed Reality , Robotics

which are the driving force of new science and technology needs of humans.


Robotics is no more considered as ONLY physical robotics but also Virtual Robotics. I was very inspired by the folowing video : .


All the students and people workig in Artificial Intelligence should think about it. It is really a seismic shift and Technology is influencing science 

and not vice-versa.This is and will be very important for presence and future of mankind. 














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