Welcome to our website

Dear Visitor, Dear Friend,

Thank you for visiting my virtual "house". I am happy to share some of my ideas, experience, pieces of knowledge about professional interests, personal interests  in my life. I am happy person - since I am doing for living things what I do like. You can read my Curriculum Vitae and will see my profesional  profile. I am also happy person since I have met many interesting people in my life and they gave me energy and inspire me. I do not want to judge nobody and I have respect in front of every biological systems :). I would be happy if you can discuss some views what I think are important in life together on my blog. Important is to respect different opinions.


 With Great Respect - Peter


Great Philosofers ideas – what I  do  admire :

“I do NOT Want to Teach – I Want to Inspire“

“Ambition without Knowledge is Like a Boat on Dry Land“

“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire“
“Learning without thinking is pointless. Thinking without learning is DANGERous !"




PhD Position @ Department of Cybernetics and AI - Cloud Robotics & AI

27/12/2016 17:17
Call for PhD student in Cloud Social Robotics We open one international position for PhD study in...

What we are doing @Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, TU Kosice, Slovakia

27/12/2016 12:26
Our Department consists of 3 Units   Center for Intelligent Technologies - life of this unit...

SAMI 2017

27/12/2016 12:19
Dear friends,   This year we are expecting very interesting friends research people on SAMI...

Invitation to meeting in Kosice - Symposium on Emergent Trends in AI and Robotics

13/07/2013 00:00
The conference will provide a unique opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to...

Visitors notice

03/01/2013 09:49
Let your visitors know about news and events on your website as often as possible. You need to keep...

Website launched

03/01/2013 09:48
Our new website has been launched today. Tell your visitors why you have started a new...

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